“Lao Tsu said that all very large countries will become
feminine meaning sensory/feeling in Myers-Briggs terms (earth/water) but in
Lincoln's time America was small and NY was just beginning its economic rise.
The Comanche wars in west Texas only ended in 1880. But bigness became the
world model after the northern victory. England was able to remain
"small" in world conquest by demanding that Brits abroad remain in
culture and could for long sustain thinking/intuition (air/fire) but the rest
of their conquests -Africa, India, China had long become earth/water
(sense/feeling) and were vulnerable to conquest by the smaller English force.
But by the end of Victoria's realm they had become sense/feeling and were
vulnerable to the acute thinking/intuitive (air/fire) apparatus thrown together
almost overnight in Germany. Likewise the conquest of China by the lightning
strikes of Ghengis Khan. Toynbee makes the idea agreeable to understanding that
in political time Yang becomes Yin - the Roman military aparatus became the
Roman Catholic Church – and how Eastern church Constantinople yielded to Islam,
a potential fate for childless Europe. Post war Europe likely felt Germany and
the Balkans would blend as a strong force watching the rise of the U.S; but
U.S. is new world with its own karma and mantras. But Europe has likewise
become sense/feeling in a very short time. Following the Keynsians principle I
guess Greece was supposed to become more "German." But as Lao Tzu
suggested it would go the other way. American bigness is an illusion. It was
all a classic economic arc rising classically from 1953 to 2007. Something else
will happen in the world now and in America.
America today is at the apex of sense/feeling and vulnerable to a intuition/thinking conquest. In
psychological terms it is likewise possible for a small band in
intuitive/intellectual (sky/fire - yang) to master a broad yin (earth/water -
sense feeling) field.